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Je n’ai pas l’option ‹ ‹ Autoposting › › dans broadcast. Il va apparaître si je prend un compte payant?
Je n’ai pas l’option ‹ ‹ Autoposting › › dans broadcast. Il va apparaître si je prend un compte payant?
MàJ : J’ai ma réponse. Elle t’intéressera surement aussi…
Some of the previously available features are now unavailable after 4.03.2020 when new Facebook Messaging policies came into effect. Right now, pages are unable to send Follow-up Broadcasts. In addition, pages that were not granted Subscription Permissions by Facebook before 4.03.2020 (see Facebook News Page Index, NPI) are unable to send Subscription Broadcasts to their audiences, while other options of Promotional (within 24h window) and Non-promotional (within and outside of 24h window) Broadcasts are still available. You now have 4 messaging tags: « post-purchase update », « account update », « confirmed event update » and « other ».
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